Athlete Mental Health and Emotional Support
1in4 Project - 1in4project.org
Athletes Against Anxiety and Depression Foundation - aaadf.org
Athletes for Hope - athletesforhope.org
Association for Applied Sport Psychology - appliedsportpsych.org
BelievePerform - believeperform.com
Beyond Sport - beyondsport.org
Recognize to Recover - recognizetorecover.org
Road Runners Club of America, Mental health tips for runners - rrca.org/education/mental-health-tips-for-runners
SportPsych Works - apadivisions.org/division-47/publications/sportpsych-works
Elite and Professional Athletes
Athlete 365 - olympic.org/athlete365
Athletes for Care - athletesforcare.org
MLB Mental Wellness - mlb.com/player-resource-center/wellness
NBA Players Association Mental Health and Wellness Program - nbpa.com/mentalwellness
NFL Life Line - nfllifeline.org, NFL Total Wellness Initiative
The Players’ Tribune Mental Health Awareness Collection - theplayerstribune.com/collections/mental-health-awareness
Team USA Athlete Services - teamusa.org/mentalhealth
Collegiate and Student-Athletes
Athletes Connected - athletesconnected.umich.edu
Eric Monday Foundation - ericmondayfoundation.org
National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics Mental Health - naia.org/student-athlete-wellness-center/mental-health
NCAA Sport Science Institute - ncaa.org/sport-science-institute
Support for Sport - supportforsport.org
Youth Athletes
LEAD, Let’s Empower Advocate and Do - leadnow.org
National Alliance for Youth Sports: Mental Health Challenges - nays.org/resources/more/free-mental-health-challenges-training
Society of Health and Physical Educators - shapeamerica.org
Coaches and Trainers
American Academy of Neurology, Sports Concussion Resources
At Your Own Risk - atyourownrisk.org
National Athletic Trainers’ Association
Positive Coaching Alliance - positivecoach.org
10-Minute Toughness - Jason Selk
The Boys in the Boat - Daniel Brown
The Champions Mind - Jim Afremow
Daily Rituals - Mason Currey
Difficult Conversations - Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, Sheila Heen
Emotional Intelligence 2.0 - Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves
Grit - Angela Duckworth
Legacy - James Kerr
Mindfulness for Student Athletes – Gina Biegel and Todd Corbin
Mind Gym - Gary Mack
Play - Stuart Brown with Christopher Vaughan
The Resilience Factor - Karen Reivich and Andrew Shatté
The Sport Psych Handbook - Shane Murphy
This is your Brain on Sports - David Grand and Alan Goldberg
Walking with God through pain and suffering - Timothy Keller
Wooden – John Wooden with Steve Jamison
Concussion - Columbia Pictures, starring Will Smith
Headstrong - NBC Sports/Religion of Sport, free on YouTube
The Weight of Gold - HBO Documentary
Calm App - Mental Fitness Playlist, featuring LeBron James
Rebound Worksheets for injury recovery - Injured Athletes Club